Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cool Whip as Ice Cream Substitute

I just recently learned that you can refreeze your unused Cool Whip.  This bit of information was useful to me because I wanted ice cream for a dessert that I was making for Sunday dinner but the freezer was bare in that aspect so I thought to myself what if I let the Cool Whip sit on the counter for a few minutes maybe I could scoop it out like ice cream.  It actually worked great.  Later I thawed a whole container, using my cookie dough scoop I placed the scoops on a cookie sheet and refroze.  After they were frozen I placed them in a plastic container with plastic wrap between the layers so when I make Two Minute Mug Brownie or other recipes I can just plop a scoop of Cool Whip on top.  If you wanted to get really fancy you could place the Cool Whip in a pastry bag and pipe it onto the cookie sheet for freezing.

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